Sunday, May 26, 2013


My first post on my new blog! I have no idea what got into me that i want to start blogging again.I deleted my old blog which i found it shitty and crappy, all i was talking about was just CRAP. Anyway, new blog i hope there are at least some readers. Else i am talking to myself isn't it? I'll try not to bore you guys!
I'll try to come up with interesting post and of course with pictures (: Whats a post without
pictures right? Pictures speaks a thousands of words. 

They are really a great bunch of classmates i have. They have been good ever since i entered TP! 
My initial thinking of a psychology class students was "oh damn they are gonna be nerds"
BUT, it turned out to be the total opposite! They were really different from what i imagined
what they will be. Extremely glad that they are my classmates whom bring fun, joy and laughter!
Never thought they would be this AWESOME!We bonded rather well. Oh yes and,
we are a rather slacking class. Well, as long as we study at the appropriate time, we will do well.

School is on tmr, time to hit my pillows and have some sweet dreams!